Air Taxi: The Future of Transport

Eléctrico, eficiente y rápido, el futuro del transporte urbano pasa por abandonar definitivamente el caos del asfalto y conquistar el aire. Una empresa austríaca está desarrollando un revolucionario servicio de taxi aéreo.

Lourdes Gràcia

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Lilium Jet

Travelling by road can be mentally as well as environmentally destructive. Big cities suffer traffic jams that cost time and money and cause stress. Happily, a Munich-based start-up called Lilium is taking a big steptowards solving this problem by turning urban air mobility from a futuristic idea into a reality. Their answer is the first all-electric jet-powered air taxi. The aircraft6 has already completed more than a hundred flight and safety tests, and will soon start the second phase, which will test its performance at high speeds. The company plans to launch as a commercial service in 2025.


With space for five passengers and one pilot, the Lilium Jet aims to be an on-call zero-emissions air taxi service. It has an egg-shaped cabin with a pair of parallel wings, which are fitted with thirty-six small electric jet engines that enable the aircraft to take off vertically and then shift for horizontal flight. With no tail, no propellers or gearbox, the Lilium Jet combines engineering perfection with a clean and simple design. According to its designers, inspiration came from the manta ray, one of nature’s most majestic creatures. 


The company aims to offer personalised journeys up to four times faster than any road transport can, and at a very competitive price. As the jet can take off and land vertically, the service does not require much ground infrastructure. High-speed connections can be made at speeds of up to 300 km per hour wherever they are needed, in very populated areas or in rural ones.


The company intends to release a smartphone app through which customers will be able to hail a jet, just like a normal taxi. The Lilium app will allow customers to locate the nearest landing pad and plan their journey easily. An estimated fare from downtown Manhattan to New York’s JFK Airport is $70 for a ten-minute ride in a Lilium Jet, compared to $57 by road taxi when the journey can take up to an hour or more, depending on traffic. Currently there is a company which offers the same trip by conventional helicopter for $195.

The Supreme Court of the United States: The Highest Court in the Land


The Supreme Court of the United States: The Highest Court in the Land

Creado en 1789, el Tribunal Supremo es la corte de último recurso de Estados Unidos y su fallo es definitivo. Cada año se pronuncia sobre unos ochenta casos, y su opinión es transcendental en temas de gran calado social, desde el aborto a la educación o la sanidad.

Alex Phillips

Top 5 Best American Pies


Top 5 Best American Pies

Un popular refrán dice que nada es más americano que un pastel de manzana, célebre en una canción y en una de las comedias adolescentes más famosas de Estados Unidos. Pero está lejos de ser el único pastel representativo de la repostería estadounidense. Descubre el top 5 de los pies más populares de Estados Unidos mientras aprendes inglés.

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How to pronounce the sound /h/

Te ayudamos a corregir errores de pronunciación en inglés para que consigas un habla más clara y neutra. Sigue los ejercicios usando el audio para descubrir todo sobre el sonido /h/.

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How to pronounce the sound /h/
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How to pronounce the sound /h/

Te ayudamos a corregir errores de pronunciación en inglés para que consigas un habla más clara y neutra. Sigue los ejercicios usando el audio para descubrir todo sobre el sonido /h/.

Gabor Legradi