Geoffrey Chaucer: the Man Who Brought English Back from the Dead

La obra de Chaucer, un conjunto de relatos costumbrista por donde desfila un catálogo de personajes pintorescos, consiguió insuflarle un nuevo aliento a la lengua inglesa cuando más lo necesitaba.

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Geoffrey Chaucer

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English is now understood by almost a quarter of the world’s population, so it’s hard to believe that there was a point six hundred years ago where it almost died out altogether. In 1066, William of Normandy invaded from northern France, took the English throne and there were then French-speaking kings on the English throne for almost three hundred years. 


During this period, Latin and French became the languages of power, of government and of literature in England. English was spoken only by the peasants, and hardly written down at all. Then, in the second half of the 14th century, when it was almost too late, English began to revive. There were many factors and individuals involved in this revival, but one writer in particular was significant: his name was Geoffrey Chaucer. 


Born in 1340, Chaucer was a high-profile civil servant and diplomat, but what he’s remembered for is his poetic writing. Well educated, well read and well travelled, Chaucer knew classic literature in Latin, French and especially Italian, and used all these influences in his poetry. Crucially, though, he made the unusual decision for the time to write in English. Chaucer died in 1400 but ever since then has been called the ‘father of English poetry’.  


Chaucer’s most famous work is The Canterbury Tales, written between 1387 and 1400. This is the story of a group of pilgrims who meet in London before setting out on a pilgrimage together to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. Using the idea of pilgrimage was a fantastic literary device, as it allowed Chaucer to bring together characters from all social classes: the nobility, the church and the working classes. 


These pilgrims decide to have a storytelling competition: each will tell the others a tale. The result is The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer’s book is incredibly entertaining, and gives us a wonderful panorama of English life in the 14th century. The collection is unfinished, with only twenty-four of the projected 120 stories completed. Nonetheless, The Canterbury Tales remains a significant work of English literature, renowned for its vivid characterisations, rich language and insightful commentary on medieval society. Above all, it marked a defining moment in the survival of the English language.

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Este artículo pertenece al número de Junio 2023 de la revista Speak Up.

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