Accomodation in the UK With Fellow Students: The Housing Co-operatives

Cada año, miles de españoles comienzan estudios universitarios en el Reino Unido. Compartir piso es una opción de alojamiento popular y las cooperativas de viviendas para estudiantes ganan terreno.

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Compartir piso en el Reino Unido

De acuerdo con el British Council, en el curso 2021-2022 más de 10 mil españoles comenzaron estudios universitarios en el Reino Unido. En la lista de trámites que hay que realizar y asuntos que hay que resolver para establecerse en otro país, el alojamiento ocupa un lugar importante. Para los estudiantes, compartir piso suele ser la opción más asequible. Y en las últimas décadas, compartir piso en el Reino Unido es más fácil y agradable gracias a una iniciativa que está presente en muchas ciudades: las cooperativas de viviendas para estudiantes, o student housing co-operatives. Te hablamos de ellas. Por supuesto, al estilo Speak Up, en idioma original y vocabulario.

British universities are a favourite destination for many young European students. Some go as part of an exchange programme. Others choose to do a full degree course, or a Master’s programme. This is an great idea for many reasons. Many UK universities have an excellent reputation and - putting career and study considerations aside - an extended period of time spent living in a foreign country is a great opportunity for personal growth, improved independence and self-esteem.

So, what’s not to like? Well, for most young people it’s the cost. Yes, loans are available for the university fees (currently an eye-watering £9,000 or more), but you still have to pay for accommodation and living costs.

a real community

If you are planning on staying for up to one year, then you’ll probably be able to stay in relatively economic university residences. If you stay for longer, then you’ll certainly find yourself sharing a flat and the rent can be very high. However, there is some hope in the form of the new student housing co-operatives that are popping up across the UK. Not only do they provide cheaper accommodation, but they also give young people the chance to become members of a vibrant community.

a better experience

Although the housing co-ops are relatively new to the UK, they’ve existed in the US since 1872. One example is the Edinburgh Student Housing Co-operative (ESHC), co-founded in 2014 by Mike Shaw, after his negative experiences with traditional rented student accommodation. The ESCH is colourful and welcoming. The building contains 24 flats, provides beds for 106 students from educational institutions across Edinburgh and is entirely run by its members. Besides ESHC, other student housing co-ops are operating in Birmingham, Glasgow, Norwich and Sheffield, and the idea is so popular that several groups of students around the country are working to create more.

what can you contribute?

To become a tenant, you must first become a member. Selection for membership generally depends on your responses to the questions “Why do you want to live here?” and “What can you contribute?”. Cool answers to these questions could be something like: “I’d like to feel part of a community”, “I like the idea of managing the accommodation with other people”, “I think it’s really important to protect students’ rights”, “I love cooking for other people”, “I could offer Italian lessons”. Apart from saving money, the huge advantage of the housing co-ops is that the students themselves are in charge of their homes. These communities are the perfect environment for students to interact and make friends. As one resident, Kate O’Neill, comments: “If someone says they’re feeling a bit lonely, they’ll instantly receive invites to dinner.”


What to say when you contact the landlord or landlady for the first time:

  • Hello, I’m calling about the flat you advertised.
  • Hi, I’m interested in the flat in Station Road.
  • Hi, I hear you have a room free in your flat.

What to say if you need more details about the flat or room:

  • How many bathrooms are there?
  • How many people will I share a bathroom with?
  • How big is the room?
  • Is it big enough for a chest of drawers and a desk?
  • Does it have a carpet?
  • Is there a vacuum cleaner in the house?
  • How fast is the wi-fi connection?
  • What are the neighbours like?

What to say if  you have problems and have to call the owner or agency:

  • The washing machine/ dishwasher doesn’t work.
  • The heating doesn’t seem to be working.
  • Our wi-fi/ phone/ internet access isn’t working.
  • Can you send an electrician/plumber/locksmith?
  • I’ve had problems with my bank and the rent will be a few days late this month.
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