Short Story: The Secrets of Mrs. B

Durante mis años de estudiante, trabajé como asistenta personal para personas mayores y conocí a la Sra. B, una celebridad local que tenía a sus espaldas historias fascinantes. Un misterioso regalo que me dejó después de su fallecimiento reveló los secretos de su vida y también dejó una huella indeleble en la mía.

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+ elderly: ancianos + cheerful: alegre + drive: entrada + balding: que se está quedando calvo + features: rasgos + to shake hands: : estrechar la mano + to lead:: guiar + late: difunto + fast asleep: profundamente dormida + tiny: diminuta + assortment: surtido + to nod:: asentir + well-worn: muy deteriorada + self-conscious: cohibida + to spin round:: darse la vuelta, girarse + to peer: : mirar detenidamente + thick : spessa + toothless: sin dientes + to shake: : sacudir + wordlessly: sin hablar + to roll one’s eyes:: poner los ojos en blanco + to sit up: incorporarse + to hand:: entregar + to bend down: : agacharse + to retrieve:: recoger + appalling rubbish: basura horrenda + to fetch: traer + drawer: cajón + inlaid: con incrustaciones + locked: cerrada con llave + sharply: bruscamente + to giggle: reírse + further back: más atrás + to supply: proveer + to confide: hacer una confidencia + to blame: culpar + along the way: por el camino + to reminisce: rememorar + to replace: devolver a su lugar + to yearn : anhelar + indeed: ciertamente + to snort:: resoplar + laughter: carcajadas + to guess: adivinar + to twinkle:: brillar + brass key: llave de latón + to whisper:: susurrar + gleam: brillo + to pass away: : fallecer + to rush:: correr, darse prisa + to fit:: encajar, caber + to lie:: yacer + to trick:: engañar + bitterly: amargamente
454 PORTADA 800

Este artículo pertenece al número de June 2023 de la revista Speak Up.

When I was a student, I had a summer job as a home help for the elderly + elderly: ancianos . It was nothing medical; I just provided a bit of cheerful + cheerful: alegre  conversation to keep them company. They loved to talk and I learned a lot of local history. Sometimes I made notes. It was my dream to write a novel one day, and I thought that all these anecdotes might provide useful material.

I heard the best stories from Mrs. B. The widow of a magistrate, she had done a lot of charitable work. In fact, she was considered a local celebrity and I was quite nervous the first time I walked up the drive + drive: entrada  of her large old house. Her son, Hector, opened the door. Tall and balding + balding: que se está quedando calvo , with long melancholic features + features: rasgos , he shook my hand + to shake hands: : estrechar la mano and led + to lead:: guiar  me to his mother’s room.

“There won’t be much for you to do,’ he said. ‘Mother is quite near the end. You can read her some poems. My late + late: difunto  father was a published poet, you know.’

Mrs. B was fast asleep + fast asleep: profundamente dormida . She was a tiny + tiny: diminuta  creature, an assortment + assortment: surtido  of bones loosely held together by a membrane of transparent skin. I’d never seen anyone alive look so skeletal.

“Shall I read to her, then?”

Hector nodded + to nod:: asentir  and indicated an old book with a well-worn + well-worn: muy deteriorada  cover on the bedside table. “My father’s first published collection.”

Feeling self-conscious + self-conscious: cohibida , I began to read aloud. It was heavy, sombre stuff. Hector silently left the room; seconds later I saw him walking down the drive.

“Has he gone?”

I spun round + to spin round:: darse la vuelta, girarse , and the book fell to the floor. Mrs. B was peering + to peer: : mirar detenidamente  at me with bright, bird-like eyes.

“Yes, he has.”

“Thank the Lord. You haven’t got a cigarette, have you?”

Her voice sounded thick  + thick : spessa in her toothless + toothless: sin dientes  mouth. When I realised what she wanted, I shook + to shake: : sacudir  my head wordlessly + wordlessly: sin hablar . She rolled her eyes + to roll one’s eyes:: poner los ojos en blanco  and ordered me to help her sit up + to sit up: incorporarse ; she was light as a child.

“Pass my teeth, will you?” She pointed to a glass containing her dentures. I handed + to hand:: entregar  it to her then bent down + to bend down: : agacharse  to retrieve  + to retrieve:: recoger the book of poems.

“Leave it there, dear. It’s appalling rubbish + appalling rubbish: basura horrenda .” Her voice was much clearer with her teeth in. “What’s your name?”

I introduced myself and explained that I was from the agency.

“Very good,” she said. “Now fetch  + to fetch: traer me the wooden box in the bottom of that drawer + drawer: cajón  over there.”

The first box I found was quite large. It was antique and made beautifully-inlaid + inlaid: con incrustaciones  wood.

“Is it this one? I think it’s locked + locked: cerrada con llave .”

“No, not that one,” she said sharply + sharply: bruscamente .” That one’s got my diaries in it. You hadn’t better read those!” She giggled + to giggle: reírse  girlishly. “Look further back + further back: más atrás .”

A smaller box was hidden under some clothes. It contained a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

“The cleaner keeps me supplied + to supply: proveer ,” she confided + to confide: hacer una confidencia . “Open the window, will you? If Hector smells smoke, he’ll blame + to blame: culpar  you! Now, shall we watch Love Island?”

I enjoyed my chats with Mrs. B and I think she liked to shock me. Married to Hector’s father for forty years, she had travelled all over the world, enjoying tempestuous love affairs along the way + along the way: por el camino . And she remembered them all!

She loved to reminisce + to reminisce: rememorar  about André, Paris 1948, Harvey, New York 1956 and Christos, summer in Crete, 1969, to mention just a few. Every time I replaced + to replace: devolver a su lugar  the box with cigarettes in the bottom drawer and caught sight of the larger inlaid box, I yearned + to yearn : anhelar  to know what was in Mrs. B’s diaries. Here indeed + indeed: ciertamente  was material for a novel. 

Mrs. B snorted + to snort:: resoplar  with laughter + laughter: carcajadas  when I told her I wanted to be a novelist and I think she guessed + to guess: adivinar  why I encouraged her to talk about her past. She had a bird-like way of putting her head on one side, her eyes twinkling + to twinkle:: brillar . On one of my last visits, she pressed a small brass key + brass key: llave de latón  into my hand. “Keep that safe,” she whispered + to whisper:: susurrar , a conspiratorial gleam + gleam: brillo  in her eye. “It’s my little gift to you; something to remember me by.” I guessed what the key was for and the idea filled me with anticipation.

After I returned to university that autumn, I received the sad news that Mrs. B had passed away + to pass away: : fallecer . My mother sent me a link to an article in the local newspaper. The headline read: “Local Benefactress Dies”.

When I went home for Christmas, the agency called me in and handed me a package, which they said had been left to me by Mrs. B. I rushed + to rush:: correr, darse prisa  home to open it and, sure enough, inside was the antique inlaid box. The small brass key she had given me fitted + to fit:: encajar, caber  the lock perfectly. I opened the box slowly, savouring the moment. Now I would learn all about Mrs. B’s fascinating life.

A single book with a well-worn cover lay + to lie:: yacer  at the bottom. It was her husband’s first collection of poems. The old girl had tricked + to trick:: engañar  me. At first I was bitterly + bitterly: amargamente  disappointed, but then I smiled, thinking of her girlish laugh. Who was I to be the custodian of her deepest secrets? One thing was certain: I would never forget her.


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