Generation Z: Changing the World

Inteligentes y ambiciosos, competitivos y preparados para dejar su huella en el mundo, pero ante todo tolerantes e impulsados ​​por un profundo sentido de responsabilidad social, descubrimos quiénes son los jóvenes de la generación Z.

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Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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Generation Z

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Generation Z —a.k.a. Gen Z, Generation Edge, iGen, Gen Tech or Centennials— refers to the cohort of people born between 1996 and 2015, following the Millennials —or Generation Y— and preceding Generation Alpha. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, but who are they IRL?

social animals

Gen Zers are characterised by empathy and a big social conscience. They believe in diversity and equality and are generally very optimistic. They have not known a world without internet and they are born to swipe. Most have had a smartphone since the age of ten. They are masters of social media and think nothing of having thousands of ‘friends’. Everything may be shared, but we are now also entering the age of extreme personalisation. Gen Zers like to express themselves with their own individual style.

instant gratification

While always connected with each other, they are also focused and competitive. They will work hard to get what they want. And if they want something, they want it now! They are used to instant gratification and immediate feedback because, with today’s connectivity tools, both are entirely possible. 

not the same mistakes

A need for belonging, albeit coupled with self-expression, drives them to cooperate. However, where Millennials were all about collaboration, Gen Zers are more independent and driven to make a meaningful contribution. These young go-getters are already making waves in business. There is a host of Gen Z entrepreneurs who show a remarkable ability to solve problems and get things done. 

Job satisfaction may have been the priority for Millennials, but Generation Z wants a stable income, too. These financially-savvy youngsters watched their parents lose money during the Great Recession of 2008 and Millennials struggle with student debt —and they are determined not to repeat the same mistakes. 


Beyond business, activism is another platform on which they make things happen. The Greta Thunbergs of this generation know how to shine a light on issues like the climate crisis and all kinds of discrimination. Even those pursuing artistic careers as models, actors or singers are using their fame to do good. With social media platforms to promote their talents, today’s young entertainers get an early start to their career, seeking their own audience on their own terms. While appearing to be self-obsessed —hence the avalanche of selfies— , they never seem to lose sight of the plight of others.

This open-mindedness has undoubtedly started on the home front. Gen Zers have grown up (or are still growing up) in ‘modern families’, with a diverse mix of ethnicities and genders. Unlike previous generations, there are no traditional roles; there is no homophobia and gender identity is thrown wide open. All colours of the rainbow are embraced. All lines are blurred and they do not judge others for their beliefs, gender or race. After all, diversity is all they have ever known.

global problems

The oldest Gen Zers are currently finishing college and entering the workforce. They now form the biggest group of consumers in the world and their influence is already being felt. Great hope had been placed on Millennials to solve the world’s big problems like climate change, which personal ambition and individualism prevented previous generations from tackling. However, perhaps due to overprotective helicopter parents, they have been less than effectual. Generation Z, on the other hand, seems to have inherited their predecessors’ social mindedness, but with a sense of responsibility and a more practical nature. Armed with today’s internet and digital technologies, they could well be our best hope for a fairer, more sustainable future.  

Billie Eilish 


Born 2001

The youngest person and first female to win the four main Grammy categories in the same year.

“I’ve always done whatever I want and always been who I am.”

Greta Thunberg

Environmental activist

Born 2003

Founder of the climate strike movement Fridays for Future.

“We are living in the beginning of a mass extinction and our climate is breaking down.”

Malala Yousafzai

Activist for female education

Born 1997

Youngest Nobel Prize laureate.

“I think life is always dangerous. Some people get afraid of it. Some people, if they want to achieve their goal, they have to go.”

Elle Van der Burg

Model and activist

Born 2000

Campaigner for gender identity awareness in South Africa.

“Human dignity and respect is something we give to everyone every day anyway and it shouldn’t be skipped on in regards to trans issues and trans people.”

James Charles 

Make-up artist, influencer 

Born 1999

Cover Girl’s first male ambassador.

“Make-up is an art form for me. It’s a form of expression, and it’s such a cool way to get my creative juices flowing.”

Genesis Butler

Animal rights activist

Born 2007

Founder of non-profit organisation Genesis for Animals.

“When I learned I was eating animals I knew that’s where my pain was coming from. Animals feel pain just like we do just as they feel love and happiness, just like us.”





Baby Boomers
Born 1946-1964

Post War World II optimism, the Cold War, civil rights, the hippie movement.

Disciplined, focused and with a strong work ethic, Baby Boomers are now around 66, but they are not retiring any time soon!

Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, David Bowie

Generation X
Born 1965-1980

The Cold War, AIDS, MTV, the rise of personal computing.

With no clear cultural identity, Gen Xers are ‘lost’ between big generations. They prefer not to be categorised, although they can be sceptical, independent and resourceful

Elon Musk, Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Lopez

Born 1981-1995

The rise of the internet and social media, 9/11, the Great Recession, student debt.

Open-minded and supportive of equal rights, these ‘digital natives’ are also accused of being narcissistic, with an obsession for selfies.

Lionel Messi, Prince William, Justin Bieber

Generation Z
Born 1996-2015

The internet, social media, the War on Terror, school shootings, Covid-19, Black Lives Matter.

Gen Zers are inspired to change the world and, being competitive, capable and socially-minded, they are likely to succeed!

Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Billie Eilish

“I am a professional mermaid”
Jim Wileman


“I am a professional mermaid”

“Tuve la idea de convertirme en sirena al volver a la ciudad donde crecí tras una época especialmente dolorosa de mi vida. Ahora bañarme con mi cola hecha a medida es una forma de devolverle el cariño a mi gente”.

Justin O. Schmidt

J.M.W. Turner: A Master of Light and Colour


J.M.W. Turner: A Master of Light and Colour

Nacido hace 250 años, el más célebre pintor inglés, genio del romanticismo y precursor del impresionismo, creó paisajes con un estilo nunca visto en el dominio de la luz y el color.

Conor Gleeson

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