How to pronounce the sounds /s/ and /z/

En este artículo nos ocupamos de los sonidos /s/ y /z/. Según cómo los pronunciemos, el significado de la palabra cambiará.

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This time we'll look at the pronunciation of two different sounds in English, /s/ and /z/. Word meanings can change depending on how you pronounce them.

How to pronounce the sounds /s/ and /z/ in English

Section one: Spotting the problem

I'm going to read out some words first, the way I hear them in the classroom. Listen to the consonants at the end of each one. Do you hear any difference between them? In the text, the corresponding letters are underlined.

  • rice    prize
  • his    bus
  • price     eyes

Well, for the moment I've read them the same way, all with the sound /s/. Students often pronounce them this way, but in fact, out of these six words three should actually be pronounced differently, with a /z/ sound.

Section two: Correcting the problem

Let's compare the two sounds: /s/ - this could be the sound a snake makes; and /z/, the sound of a mosquito.

The difference between the two is resonance. Check with your hand: your throat and chest resonate with /z/, but they're silent when you say /s/.

Before you continue, let's practise alternating the /s/ and /z/ in a loop, like this: /s/-/z/-/s/-/z/.

Now, you'll hear the same words as before, this time with the consonants at the end pronounced correctly. First slower, then at normal speed. Try and say them after me:

  • rice    prize
  • his    bus
  • price     eyes

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Section three: Practice

The following word-pairs show how /z/ and /s/, two distinct sounds, alter the meaning in certain words. Repeat the word pairs after the beep, making a distinction between the two sounds. 

close /kləʊz/ (verb)close /kləʊs/ (adjective)
use /ju:z/ (verb) use /ju:s/ (noun)
eyes /aɪz/ice /aɪs/
zoo /zu:/sue /su:/
buzz /bʌz/bus /bʌs/
excuse /ɪk' skju:z/ (verb)excuse /ɪk' skju:s/ (noun)
rise /raɪz/rice /raɪs/
his /hɪz/hiss /hɪs/

Good. And now we'll use the same two sounds in phrases and sentences. The underlined letters mark the /z/ sound. The ones in bold are /s/.

  • It's easy. Just close your eyes.
  • Close the door, please.
  • My band plays in this place on Tuesdays and Sundays.
  • Prices rise, salaries don't.
  • The price of rice rose.
  • He'staying at his mother's.
  • There's no excuse for this.
  • Who sings the song Only Fools Rush In

Section four: Memorize

Here are a few word collocations for you to memorize the right sounds with. You can always find more in English dictionaries or texts.

excuse mea nice place
a pay risea mixed class
zero degreesto save face
used carsa science student

Note: the “x” in “mixed” and “excuse” is pronounced as /ks/, not just /s/.

Keep practising!

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