Our next pronunciation lesson is about the sounds /ʃ/ and /ʧ/.
Section One: Spotting the problem
The difference between /ʃ/ and /ʧ/ is not pronounced clearly enough by many learners. This can be fixed, however, with a little repositioning of the /ʃ/ sound. By doing that, the /ʧ/, which also often sounds rather ‘light’, will be in the right ‘place’ as well.
Now listen. Which of these word pairs do you hear in each case - a) or b)?
a) | mash | cash | wish | shoes | wash |
b) | match | catch | which | choose | watch |
The answers are b), a), b), b), a).
Section Two: Correcting the problem
Say these words aloud: chico, mechero, chuleta. Observe that when you pronounce the ‘ch’ in these words in Spanish, the tip of your tongue is very close to your upper teeth. We're going to start from this position.
With the tip of the tongue almost touching your teeth, say ‘shhhhhh’. Good. Now let's repeat, but this time as the ‘shhhhhh’ sounds, slowly start curving your tongue backwards just under your palate, but not touching it, until you get a ‘thicker’ /ʃ/ sound. Listen: /ʃ/
This is the /ʃ/ we want for words like fish, English, Spanish, splash and others.
Now let's form the /ʧ/ sound with the help of this new /ʃ/ we've just discovered. Start saying /ʃ/ again, and now touch your palate with your tongue to block the passage of air.
Listen: /ʧ/
Now repeat, block the air, and then with a bit of pressure, let it go. Listen: /ʃ/---/ʧ/.
You've got it. Observe where the /ʧ/ sounds as you're doing the exercise. This ‘darker’ /ʧ/ is the one we were looking for and will use in words like check, much, catch, bunch and many more.
chico - child, mancha – Manchester, tachar - touch
Section Three: Practice
Say the following words with this new tongue position. Practise and repeat them a few times.
Section Four: Memorize
ʃ | fish | shop | shine | flash | show | posh |
ʧ | clutch | stitch | chew | china | chow | batch |
Memorise. Some ideas you may want to use for further practice:
1) Do you like sugar? /ʃ/
Not much. /ʧ/
2) She's rather shy. /ʃ/
Yes, and she probably won't change. /ʧ/
3) How should I get there? /ʃ/
You could catch a bus. /ʧ/
4) Are you sure you want a smiley photo? /ʃ/
Say cheese then! /ʧ/
5) I like fish a lot. /ʃ/
Do you? Well, it's not very cheap here. /ʧ/
I hope it's a lot clearer now. Keep practising!