That Anglophile Friend: Everyday Dialogues

El diálogo entre dos amigos, en slang británico, narra la dinámica cotidiana de la amistad.

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Daniel Francis

Speaker (UK accent)

Bandera USA
Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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475 Everyday Dialogues

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Kris: Hey men, good to see you!

Noam: You, too, old chap!

Kris: Old chap’? You been watching that British TV series again, you anglophile?

Noam: Bloody hell, stop giving me grief!

Kris: All right, all right. So, what’s new ?

Noam: Well, remember that girl I fancied?

Kris: Yeah, what about her?

Noam: I asked her out and she said yes. I was gobsmacked!

Kris: What, she hit you in the face?

Noam: No, you cheeky sod, you know what I mean.

Kris: Too right, gov’nor!

Noam: Stop taking the piss, you twit.

Kris: Oh, come on, you’re asking for it. So, when are you going out?

Noam: In a fortnight.

Kris: What’s the video game got to do with it?

Noam: Nothing, we’re meeting in two weeks’ time.

Kris: Well, just say so, then.

Noam: Anyway, I’m well chuffed. But I must dash. See you soon.

Kris: Sure, dude. Toodle pip!

Noam: Argh! Tosser…


Old chap is an old-fashioned British term of endearment for a man.

An ‘anglophile is someone who loves England or Britain.

Bloody hell is an informal expression of annoyance

To give grief means to annoy someone or cause trouble or problems for them.

To fancy in British slang means to be attracted (to someone). It can also mean to feel like (something), ie, I fancy a coffee.

Gobsmacked means ‘very surprised’. Literally, it means ‘smacked in the mouth’ (or gob’).

A cheeky sod is a person who has acted inappropriately.

Too right is said when you agree completely.

Gov’nor (short for governor) is an archaic form of address for a person of authority.

To take the piss is vulgar slang for ‘to mock’.

A twit is an outdated name for an annoying person.

Come on in this context is a conciliatory expression, meaning ‘don’t be offended’.

A fortnight is a period of two weeks.

Well chuffed means pleased or delighted.

To dash is to hurry.

Toodle pip is an outdated British expression for goodbye. 

A tosser is a silly person.


Este artículo pertenece al número de October 2024 de la revista Speak Up.

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