Starting the Pitch Meeting: Everyday Dialogues

No te pierdas algunas cosas básicas que puedes hacer para que la reunión de trabajo salga bien.

Bandera UK
Daniel Francis

Speaker (UK accent)

Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

Speaker (UK accent)

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480 Everyday Dialogues Adobestock

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Michel: Hello, everyone. So nice to meet  you in person!

Katia: Likewise! We’re happy to meet you and your team.

Michel: So, first of all, thank you for inviting us to pitch for this job.

Katia: Not at all! Your agency has an amazing reputation in this particular market.

Michel: Oh, that’s good to hear! We put our heart and soul into each and every one of our projects, so it’s nice that it’s recognised.

Katia: Well, we are very selective about the partners we work with and everyone we spoke to recommended we talk to you.

Michel: Great! We know there are a lot of agencies in this sector, so we appreciate the opportunity to show you our credentials and give you an idea of how we work,

Katia: We are eager to see what you can do for us.

Michel: Of course! We have prepared a short presentation for you, along with some ideas that we think could work very well for your company.

Katia: It’s not an easy market to break into.

Michel: No, but we have a few proposals that will help you differentiate yourselves.

Katia:  Excellent. Let’s order some coffee and we can get started!




When you meet someone in person, you are both physically present. You can also meet someone online or on the telephone.

In this context, Likewise is a reply that means you feel or think the same as the other person or people. You could also say, “Me, too!” (referring just to yourself) or “Us, too!” (if you are speaking on behalf of4 at least one other person as well as you).

To pitch is to persuade someone to buy a product or a service. It can also be used as a noun: ‘a pitch’ refers to the strategy or the presentation used to pitch. 

Particular means ‘specific’.

When you make an exceptionally big effort to achieve something, you ‘put (or pour) your heart and soul into it’.

‘All’ (our projects) can be substituted with each and every one of’ (our projects) for emphasis. 

Credentials are qualifications or proof of your experience.

To break into a market’ means to become active in a new industry, in which you are not yet known.

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Este artículo pertenece al número de march2025 de la revista Speak Up.

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