Everyday Dialogues: Visiting Scotland

Una guía rápida a la conversación con frases y vocabulario de uso común. Este mes con el foco puesto en el vocabulario escocés.

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Daniel Francis

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Molly Malcolm

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451 EveryDialogues Visiting Scotland March 23

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Rachel: Hello, are you from here?

Logan: Aye

Rachel: I? Yes, I mean you, are you from here?

Logan: Aye, I’m from here.

Rachel: So you’re a local, you’re Scotch.

Logan: No, I’m not a whisky, I’m Scottish.

Rachel: Oh, sorry. No offence! We’re looking for the lake. Can you tell me where it is?

Logan: Yes, of course, it’s a bonnie loch.

 Rachel: A what, now?

Logan: The loch, it’s beautiful. Are you taking the wee bairn?

Rachel: Taking the what?

Logan: Your little boy, are you going together?

Rachel: Yes, why, is it far to walk?

Logan: Yes, and it’s a dreich day, you need to wrap up warm. Better take a taxi, lass!

Rachel: Oh, OK. Thanks


Aye is a Scottish word for ‘yes’.

Scotch and Scottish are adjectives to describe something or someone from Scotland. In general, ‘Scottish’ (or ‘Scots’) means ‘of or from Scotland’, while ‘Scotch’ tends to be used to describe whisky (particularly by Americans). Scottish people can feel offended if they are described as ‘Scotch’.

Scottish, Canadian and Japanese varieties are generally spelled whisky. American and Irish varieties are spelled with an ‘e’: ‘whiskey’.

When you say something that might be considered rude, you can clarify that you did not mean to insult anybody by saying, No offence.

Bonnie is a Scottish
word for ‘pretty’.

Loch is a Scottish
word for ‘lake’.

Wee is a Scottish word for ‘small’.

Bairn is a Scottish word for ‘child’.

Dreich is a Scottish word for ‘dreary’ or ‘bleak’.

Lass is a Scottish word for ‘girl’ or ‘young woman’.

451 Cover 451 ESP March 23

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