At the Bakery: cómo comprar en la panadería en inglés (con audio)

En este sencillo diálogo encontrarás las palabras, verbos y expresiones en inglés que necesitarás para una tarea esencial: comprar el pan.

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Cómo comprar en la panadería en inglés

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Si te mudas a un país de habla inglesa, o incluso si sólo vas de vacaciones, en muy probable que necesites comprar en una panadería. El siguiente diálogo contiene todas las frases hechas, los verbos y las palabras que necesitas para salir airoso de la situación.

cómo comprar en la panadería en inglés

Diálogo en inglés: en la panadería

  • Good morning. Oh, it smells so good in here!
  • Yes, there’s nothing like the smell of freshly-baked bread. What can I get for you?
  • I’d like a wholemeal loaf, please.
  • Of course. Would you like it sliced?
  • Yes, medium-sliced, please.
  • Here you go. Will there be anything else?
  • Yes, I’m hosting a brunch tomorrow, so I’d like something special.
  • Well, as you can see, we have a great variety of buns, scones, croissants and doughnuts. Or how about a crusty loaf? Our sourdough bread is also very popular.
  • What’s sourdough like?
  • It’s delicious! It has a slightly tangy taste.
  • Hmm, I’m not sure I like the sound of that. But I will have half a dozen hot-cross buns and that crusty loaf.
  • OK, that’ll be £6.25, please.

Now let's review the vocabulary

  • There’s nothing like (something) is a general expression of praise, meaning that something is especially good.
  • Freshly-baked means it has just come out of the oven.
  • Wholemeal bread is made using flour from whole wheat grain. It is also called ‘wholewheat’ or ‘wholegrain’ bread.
  • A loaf is a unit of bread, weighing approximately 400 grams (small) or 800 grams (large).
  • The baker can slice loaves into thin, thick or medium slices using a machine. This customer wants a ‘medium-sliced’ loaf.
  • Brunch is a meal between breakfast and lunch, usually at weekends, when people are not at work.
  • Buns (or rolls) are small, individual-sized portions of bread.
  • A scone is a typically British kind of pastry, usually served with cream and jam.
  • A crusty loaf has soft bread with a hard crust.
  • Sourdough bread is made using the naturally-occurring yeast and bacteria in flour.
  • Tangy means a little bit sour.
  • Hot-cross buns are spiced, sweet rolls, marked with a cross on top, traditionally eaten at Easter in the UK.

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