Texas: The Lone Star State

Emilio Zamora es un experto en la historia de Tejas. Para saberlo todo acerca de este complejo Estado americano lo aprendemos directamente de él.

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451 Texas Independence Day march 23 Library of Congress

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Texas was an independent nation for just under a decade, after which it was annexed to the United States. Professor Emilio Zamora, of the University of Texas at Austin, has an endowed chair on Texas history and specialises in Texas and Mexican-American history. He talked to Speak Up about this turbulent period, starting with one of the key drivers for Texas to seek separation from Mexico.

Emilio Zamora (American accent): Slavery has already been prohibited in most of the Latin American nations, including Mexico. What Texas does with the insurrection that it seeks (the slave owners are very influential) they seek to protect the institution of slavery. Once Texas becomes independent, they re-institute slavery, suggesting that slavery was a cause — one of several causes — of the Texas insurrection.

US-mexican war

Mexico challenged not only the right of Texas declaring itself independent, but also of the annexation of Texas to the US in 1945. This was viewed as an infringement of the sovereignty of the Mexican nation state, triggering the US-Mexican war.

Emilio Zamora: The US sent troops into the disputed territory and invaded Mexico. They cited a provocation which was a battle on what is now the border, but they really had no good reason other than to secure the protection and the independence of Texas by militarising the southern part of Texas, and then waging a war of aggression against Mexico that lasted until 1848, at which point Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which, among other things, granted the US the right over more than one half of Mexico’s northern territory, which became the American South-West, including Texas all the way to California.


Today, Stephen F. Austin is seen by many as the ‘Father of Texas’. Professor Zamora points out the necessity of taking a more holistic view of events.

Emilio Zamora: Like many national histories, this history, of course, applauds the action of slave owners, who gave support to the independence movement. They applaud violation of the national sovereignty of Mexico. The insurrection also justifies the violent campaigns against indigenous people, and so forth and so on. My point is that, though there is general agreement that Stephen F. Austin played a very central role in the history of Texas as it became independent, there are also differing views about the meaning of the Texas revolution. 


The revolution had far-reaching repercussions which still affect Texans today, particularly the working classes.

Emilio Zamora: There’s an ongoing debate about how we interpret history, not only with regards to the independence of Texas, but also many things like the history of Mexican-origin people, who were here obviously before the insurrection and continued to live here and grew their numbers through immigration from Mexico as well as the Latin American countries, and the role that they play as a working class exploited as low-wage labour throughout the history of Texas. To the point that Mexican-origin people constitute part of the American working class in a marginalised ethnic group.


With its history of independence, there is an idea that Texans are different from the rest of the United States. Professor Zamora explains that such a sense has less to do with having been a republic and more to do with a perceived threat from the south.

Emilio Zamora: We border Latin America. Texas has the longest border with Mexico, and consequently with the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean. And I believe that, over time, Texas, even after declaring itself independent, continues to feel threatened culturally, if not politically and militarily, by the close presence of Mexico. And I think that has also contributed to the sense of uniqueness in the state of Texas. We are in many ways, people believe, a bulwark, a defence against the intrusion of outside influences that could undermine national unity. That is one of the arguments made by intellectuals that oppose immigration from Latin America. 


Despite modern-day representations of freedom-loving revolutionaries, Professor Zamora believes that Texan independence was illegal.

Emilio Zamora: The story of the Texas revolution is almost always presented as another version of the American revolution, in which patriots rise up against a colonial power and make themselves independent. In this instance, Texans revolt against the central government and, as such, lead a civil war. The insurgency is a civil war and, just like the confederate states, did not have the right to declare itself independent and separate from the American Union. In my view, Texas didn’t have the right to declare itself independent from the Mexican Union.

A State Symbol

Texas is called the ‘Lone Star State’ because of its state flag. The flag features a white star on a blue background on the left and two horizontal stripes, one white and one red, on the right. The star symbolises the state of Texas and its fight for independence from Mexico, as well as its former status as a republic. The colour blue stands for loyalty, white for purity and red for bravery. The five points of the star represent the characteristics of a good citizen: fortitude, loyalty, righteousness, prudence and broadmindedness. The Lone Star flag was adopted by the Congress of the Republic of Texas in 1839, but was not officially adopted as the Texas state flag until 1933, when the Texas Flag Code assigned it symbolic significance. The single or ‘lone’ star is said to represent “all of Texas and stands for our unity as one for God, State, and Country.” It could also be said to refer to Texas being the new star in the constellation of the American Union.



Davy Crockett was a 19th century American frontiersman, soldier, and politician. He was born in Tennessee in 1786 and grew up in the frontier region of the state. Crockett became a skilled hunter and woodsman and gained fame for his exploits in the 1820s and 1830s. He served in the Tennessee Militia, and later in the US Army during the Texas Revolution. After his military service, Crockett turned to politics, serving in the US House of Representatives from 1827 to 1835. He was a strong supporter of Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party, and was known for his colourful speeches and folksy manner. Crockett died at the Battle of the Alamo in 1836 while fighting for Texan independence from Mexico. He became a legendary figure in American folklore and his legacy is still celebrated today.Davy Crockett has been referenced in a variety of forms in popular culture over the years.

US History: Texas Independence Day

451 Cover 451 ESP March 23

Este artículo pertenece al número de Marzo 2023 de la revista Speak Up.

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