Language for work: Essential Expressions With Exercises to Practice

Las 7 expresiones en inglés que te explicamos son muy utilizadas en el ámbito profesional. Incorpóralas a tu vocabulario para hablar de forma más fluida.

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Language for work

If you hit the nail on the head, does it really mean that you are doing some DIY? Not usually no. It is an expression that is used frequently at work. Here we look at some common expressions in English that are used in the professional setting. Learn and use these and you will sound more fluent.

Common expressions in English to use at work

1. To hit the nail on the head

When someone "hits the nail on the head," it means they have accurately identified the main issue or made a very precise point. This expression is often used to acknowledge that someone has perfectly captured the essence of a situation or problem.

"You really hit the nail on the head when you pointed out that communication was the main issue in the project delays." (Has dado en el clavo al señalar que la comunicación era el principal problema de los retrasos del proyecto).

Here, the speaker is complimenting someone for correctly identifying the root cause of a problem.

2. To touch base

"To touch base" is often used when you want to check in with someone, follow up on a task, or have a quick conversation to ensure everyone is on the same page. It’s a casual way to suggest a brief meeting or communication.

"Let's touch base later this afternoon to discuss the project timeline." (Nos pondremos en contacto esta tarde para hablar del calendario del proyecto).

In this example, the speaker is suggesting a short meeting or conversation to review the project timeline.

3. Back to square one

The expression "back to square one" is used when a plan or project fails, and you have to start over from the beginning. It conveys the idea that all previous efforts have been in vain, and you must return to the initial stage to try again.

"Our proposal was rejected, so we’re back to square one with our marketing strategy." (Nuestra propuesta fue rechazada, así que volvemos al principio con nuestra estrategia de marketing).

In this context, the speaker is explaining that they need to start over after the original plan did not succeed.

4. Take the lead

To "take the lead" means to assume responsibility for a task or project. This expression is commonly used when delegating work or when someone is encouraged to step up and take charge of a situation.

"Could you take the lead on preparing the presentation for next week's meeting?" (¿Podrías encargarte de preparar la presentación para la reunión de la semana que viene?).

The speaker is asking someone to be in charge of creating the presentation, taking responsibility for its completion.

5. In the loop

Staying "in the loop" means being informed or updated on important matters, particularly those relevant to your work or responsibilities. Keeping someone in the loop ensures they are aware of developments and can contribute effectively.

"Please keep me in the loop on any changes to the project schedule." ("Por favor, mantenme informado de cualquier cambio en el calendario del proyecto").

In this example, the speaker is requesting to be informed about any updates or changes to the project timeline.

6. On the same page

Being "on the same page" means that everyone involved in a discussion or project has a shared understanding of the situation, goals, or next steps. It’s important to ensure alignment and avoid misunderstandings in a professional setting.

"Before we move forward, I want to make sure we’re all on the same page about the project objectives." (Antes de seguir adelante, quiero asegurarme de que todos estamos de acuerdo sobre los objetivos del proyecto).

The speaker is emphasizing the need for everyone to agree and understand the project's goals before proceeding.

7. Think outside the box

This expression encourages creative thinking and innovation. To "think outside the box" means to consider new, unconventional ideas that are different from the usual or expected solutions. It's often used when brainstorming or tackling complex problems.

"We need to think outside the box to solve this problem and come up with a strategy that sets us apart from our competitors."("Tenemos que pensar con imaginación para resolver este problema e idear una estrategia que nos diferencie de nuestros competidores").

Here, the speaker is urging the team to explore creative and innovative solutions.

Understanding and using these expressions will help you both in and out of work. Remember that to get them to be part of your working vocabulary you need to use them over and over again so that the meaning sticks and becomes part of your productive knowledge!

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